Braided structures are prepared through the physical entanglement of fiber components, expanding the one-dimensional material into a two-dimensional sheet with enhanced strength and wear-resistant elasticity. Hongyu Zhang, Jilin University, Panče Naumov, NYU Abu Dhabi, exploited the elastic properties of long organic crystals with high aspect ratios to prepare a series of centimeter-sized braided network structures.
While robust to mechanical impact, the woven patch is also elastic due to the elasticity of the individual warp and weft crystals effectively eliminating stress. The thermal stability of the component crystals translates into good thermoelastic properties of the porous braided structure, where the network remains elastic in the range of 300 K.
By providing a means of physical entanglement of organic crystals, braiding circumvents the natural limitations of small size. Elongated organic crystals are determined by their natural growth, extending the application prospects of organic crystals from one-dimensional entities to scalable two-dimensional solid structures.
Lan, L., Li, L., Qi, J. et al. Woven organic crystals. Nat Commun 14, 7582 (2023).